The Legal 500 正式公布其2025年度亚太地区榜单(The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2025),本事务所和本事务所的律师在以下多个业务领域获得高度评价。
详情请参阅The Legal 500的网站。
Antitrust and competition (Tier 1)
Banking and finance (Tier 1)
Capital markets (Tier 1)
Corporate and M&A (Tier 1)
Dispute resolution (Tier 1)
Fintech (Tier 2)
Intellectual property (Tier 1)
Investment funds (Tier 2)
Labour and employment (Tier 1)
Private wealth (Tier 1)
Projects and energy (Tier 1)
Real estate and construction (Tier 1)
Restructuring and insolvency (Tier 1)
Risk management and investigations (Tier 1)
Tax (Tier 1)
TMT (Tier 1)
Corporate and M&A (Tier 4)
Real estate and construction (Tier 3)
Hall of fame
Banking and finance ― 池袋真实、杉本文秀、三上二郎
Capital markets ― 杉本文秀、石黑美幸
Leading partners
Antitrust and competition ― 服部薰、井本吉俊
Capital markets ― 柳川元宏、新木伸一
Corporate and M&A ― 玉井裕子、岩崎友彦、西村修一
Dispute resolution ― 小原淳见、高取芳宏
Fintech ― 殿村桂司
Intellectual property ― 松田俊治
Investment funds ― 清水启子
Private wealth ― 福田政之、平川雄士
Projects and energy ― 三上二郎、胜山辉一
Real estate and construction ― 池袋真实、田中俊平、内海健司、井上博登、齐藤理
Restructuring and insolvency ― 小林信明、钟江洋祐
Risk management and investigations ― 垰尚义
Tax ― 平川雄士
TMT ― 藤原总一郎、大久保凉、殿村桂司
Next Generation Partners
Antitrust and competition ― 田中亮平
Banking and finance ― 服部纮实
Capital markets ― 宫下优一
Labour and employment ― 绪方绘里子、细川智史
Projects and energy ― 本田圭、渡边启久
Real estate and construction ― 小山嘉信、洞口信一郎
Restructuring and insolvency ― 铃木崇、大川友宏
Risk management and investigations ― 福原步美、深水大辅、边诚祐、John Lane
Tax ― 吉村浩一郎