NO&T Japan Legal Update
Privatization of Government Services and Public Infrastructure Projects
Motivated by concerns regarding the country’s massive national debt, which reportedly exceeded 1 quadrillion yen (roughly 10 trillion US dollars) in 2013, the government of Japan (“Government”) has taken steps to facilitate greater privatization of government services and projects related to infrastructure, in particular through the enactment of legislation intended to stimulate Private Finance Initiative transactions (“PFI”). In 2011, the Government announced its plan to raise the level of PFI investments in Japan to at least 10 trillion yen (roughly 100 billion US dollars) by 2020 and the PFI Law was amended in the same year to achieve this ambitious goal.
Roku(鹿) Haseru
Roku(鹿) Haseru
Roku(鹿) Haseru、込宫直树(共著)
Roku(鹿) Haseru、船越圣二、艾苏(共著)