Recent Developments of AI Regulations in Europe and Japan 2025
In corporate activities, ensuring the life and physical safety of consumers constitute the foundation of consumer trust and is essential for the formation and maintenance of corporate reputations. A slight mistake in dealing with a product safety issue could lead to a social problem, which may result in corporate representatives and managers facing criminal liability. This could seriously damage the credibility that a company has built up over many years, and could even pose a threat to the company’s continuation. In addition, recently, in many countries, the importance of compliance for products that are not directly related to safety has increased. It is also necessary to appropriately deal with related authorities.
In this regard, we have extensive experience in advising both international and domestic clients on such product safety and product compliance. In particular, with regard to product compliance, there are highly complex regulations for each product, so specialized expertise is required to properly comply with these regulations. Moreover, in the event of accidents or incidents that may harm the life or physical safety of consumers or that cause serious compliance violation, prompt recalls must be carried out domestically and overseas. Based on our extensive experience, we provide practical advice, including on reporting to the authorities, in an effort to minimize reputational damage to corporations.
In addition, we also have extensive experience in product liability (PL) in terms of advising on the manufacture of instruction manuals and representing clients in various product liability lawsuits, such as lawsuits on adverse effects associated with pharmaceuticals.
NO&T - McDermott Will & Emery Joint Seminar
Akemi Suzuki, Keiji Tonomura, Dr. Boris Uphoff (McDermott Will & Emery)
Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Tokyo Office
Legal Seminar
Keiji Tonomura, Hayato Maruta
Online (On-Demand)
PLAC 2019 Spring Conference
Junichi Ikeda
The Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans
2017 ICPHSO International Symposium
Junichi Ikeda
Hilton Tokyo Odaiba
2017 ICPHSO International Symposium
Oki Mori
Hilton Tokyo Odaiba
(November 2024)
Oki Mori, Mai Umezawa (Co-author)
(September 2024)
Oki Mori, Akiko Inoue (Co-author)
Nopparak Yangiam, Parot Promkam (Co-author)
(June 2024)
Junichi Ikeda, Takayuki Fujii, Masashi Chusho, Satoyuki Nakano (Co-author)