

FinTech offers innovative services and business models through the adoption of the latest technology in finance. FinTech covers a wide range of transactions, including electronic payment and remittance services such as cashless payments, crowdfunding and initial coin offerings (ICO), security token offerings (STO) and other new financing methods, crypto-assets, blockchain, social lending and guarantee services, personal asset management (PFM), asset management such as robo-advisors, and InsurTech such as telematics insurance. Moreover, Fintech is rapidly advancing and expanding. Besides finance-related laws such as the Banking Act, the Payment Services Act, the Act on the Provision of Financial Services, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Insurance Business Act, and the Money Lending Business Act, there is a wide range of IT-related laws, such as those concerning personal information protection, intellectual property, and consumer protection. Depending on the nature of the particular service, it may not always be clear which law applies. Our lawyers specializing in various practice areas such as financial regulations, technology, intellectual property, M&A, and venture capital and start-ups collaborate to provide one-stop legal services to Fintech companies, financial institutions, financial service intermediaries, venture capital companies, IT companies, other operating companies, and other parties in FinTech. These services range from structuring business models for FinTech company formation and expansion, to obtaining licenses and approvals, dealing with authorities, and investing in, acquiring, and establishing business alliances with FinTech companies.

FinTech Related Awards

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FinTech Related Publications
