
With one of the largest legal teams in Japan, we bring a wealth of practical knowledge focused on the singular purpose of providing high quality legal services.


Our lawyers have authored or co-authored a number of newsletters, articles, books and other materials covering a wide range of legal areas to address the latest legal developments and increasingly diverse and complex issues.


We regularly hold seminars and offer lectures through various formats, such as online streaming.


IP Disputes

We handle a wide variety of disputes and provide pre-dispute advice. Our successful litigation and settlement practice spans all areas of intellectual property law, with particular emphasis on contentious work in the fields of not only patents and utility models, but also trademarks, design rights, copyrights, passing-off and other violations of the Act on Prevention of Unfair Competition. We also have ample experience in employee invention compensation cases. Our lawyers, including former judges of the Intellectual Property High Court and lawyers with technical backgrounds, who are familiar with both law and technology, pour their energy and skill into resolving the disputes, bringing fruitful results in many leading cases.

Many of our lawyers have substantial experience with IP litigation and arbitration not only in Japan but also in the United States and other leading commercial jurisdictions. This breadth of exposure forms the basis of a cross-border window, which we think is unique in Japan: the ability to provide foreign clients with familiar context and reference points in making key litigation decisions.

IP Disputes Related Awards

IP Disputes Related Seminars

IP Disputes Related Publications