NO&T Japan Legal Update
I. Introduction
Various initiatives in recent years have set in train a number of reforms to the Japanese criminal justice system, including the phased-in introduction of the video recording of interviews with criminal suspects. The reform of most interest to businesses operating in Japan, however, is without doubt the introduction for the
first time in Japan of a plea bargaining system (the ‘New System’). The New System, which was created pursuant to an amendment to Japan’s Criminal Procedure Code in May 2016, is due to come into effect by no later than June 2018.
Together with the introduction in recent times of the ‘Principles for Listed Companies Dealing with Corporate Malfeasance’ and the strengthening of the whistleblowing regime through the new Japan Corporate Governance Code, the
New System will likely have the effect of further incentivising both Japanese and global companies in Japan to take meaningful steps to bolster corporate compliance
in order to avoid the sometimes devastating consequences of serious corporate malfeasance.
Yothin Intaraprasong, Waritpan Titatornwattanasiri, Yanisa Wiboonthan (Co-author)
(September 2024)
Daisuke Fukamizu, Kosuke Gunji (Co-author)
(October 2024)
Yasushi Kudo, Tsubasa Watanabe, Hayato Maruta (Co-author)
(July 2024)
Yasushi Kudo, Tsubasa Watanabe, Hayato Maruta (Co-author)
Yuan Yao Lee
Kyohei Mizukoshi, Natsumi Tada, Sofía Terol Cháfer (Uría Menéndez) (Co-author)
Yothin Intaraprasong, Waritpan Titatornwattanasiri, Yanisa Wiboonthan (Co-author)
(September 2024)
Daisuke Fukamizu, Kosuke Gunji (Co-author)
Kyohei Mizukoshi, Natsumi Tada, Sofía Terol Cháfer (Uría Menéndez) (Co-author)
Yothin Intaraprasong, Waritpan Titatornwattanasiri, Yanisa Wiboonthan (Co-author)
(September 2024)
Daisuke Fukamizu, Kosuke Gunji (Co-author)
Yoshitaka Kato