NO&T Asia Legal Review
As part of President Joko Widodo’s administration’s efforts to attract foreign investors to Indonesia, the Government has taken an initiative to simplify the licensing requirement for Indonesian companies to employ expatriates. On 29 March 2018, the Government has issued the Presidential Regulation No.20 of 2008 on Utilization of Expatriates (PR 20/2018), which will come into force on 29 June 2018.
Luciana Fransiska
Claire Chong, Kennosuke Muro (Co-author)
(July 2024)
Oki Mori, Eriko Ogata, Saki Kurachi, Natsuki Ito (Co-author)
Yuan Yao Lee
Luciana Fransiska
Yuan Yao Lee
Tsuyoshi Isshiki
(April 2024)
Oki Osawa (Comments)
Annia Hsu, Kennosuke Muro (Co-author)
Salin Kongpakpaisarn, Pundaree Tanapathong (Co-author)
Hoai Tran
Axel Kuhlmann, Makoto Ohnuma, Shejal Verma (Co-author)
Annia Hsu, Kennosuke Muro (Co-author)
Salin Kongpakpaisarn, Pundaree Tanapathong (Co-author)
Hoai Tran
Luciana Fransiska
Luciana Fransiska
Ario Putra Pamungkas
Anastasia Jessica Maureen
(April 2024)
Justin Ee (Comments)