Hiroshi Yamada Hiroshi Yamada
Special Advisor
ADVANCE Corporate Law Seminar
Lecture 1: Recent Enforcement Actions by the Fair Trade Commission
Speaker: Hiroshi Yamada
Lecture 2: Post-Amendment Review Process and Key Practical Considerations
Speaker: Satoshi Ogawa
Panel Discussion: Interview with the Former Director General of the Investigation Bureau: Future Outlook of JFTC Investigation Practice
Panelists: Hiroshi Yamada, Ryohei Tanaka, Satoshi Ogawa
8th IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum Biennial Conference
Kaori Sugimoto (Panelist)
Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Technology & Innovation Seminar
Keiji Tonomura, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Akira Komatsu
Online (On-Demand)
ADVANCE Corporate Law Seminar
Ryosaku Kondo
Online (Live & On-Demand)