
Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Ranked ‘Gold’ in work with Pride’s 2024 PRIDE Index for LGBTQ+ initiatives

We are pleased to announce that we were ranked ‘Gold’ in the 2024 PRIDE Index of ‘work with Pride’ (wwP), a general incorporated association that supports the promotion and establishment of diversity management related to LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities.

The PRIDE Index was established by wwP in 2016 to serve as a benchmark for evaluating the initiatives of companies, organizations, and others in relation to sexual minorities. The PRIDE Index consists of the following five evaluation indicators, which correspond to the letters of PRIDE and are intended to foster the creation of LGBTQ+ friendly workplaces:

PRIDE Indicators
1. Policy (action statement);
2. Representation (LGBT community support);
3. Inspiration (awareness-raising activities);
4. Development (human resources systems and programs); and
5. Engagement/Empowerment (social contributions/public relations activities).

We remain committed to our LGBTQ+ initiatives to foster diversity.

For further details, please refer to the 2024 PRIDE Index website (in Japanese).

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