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Promoting Thailand as a Target Destination for World-Class Events (Thailand)

NO&T Thailand Legal Update

*Please note that this newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. In addition, it is based on information as of its date of publication and does not reflect information after such date. In particular, please also note that preliminary reports in this newsletter may differ from current interpretations and practice depending on the nature of the report.

I. Background

As a part of the nation’s vision to become a tourism hub and build economic growth, the Thai government aims to promote Thailand as a host destination for world-class events. Such promotion is being implemented through recent relevant legislations as follows:

  • The first legislation is the Notification of the Board of Investment No. Sor. 3/2567 re: Promotion for Businesses related to the Organization of Large Concerts, Sporting Events, and International Festivals dated 22 April 2024 (“BOI Notification”) issued by the Board of Investment (“BOI”), which aims to promote businesses related to the organization of world-class events held in Thailand by providing both tax and non-tax incentives therefor and also specifies the details of conditions relating to the eligibility for such incentives.
  • The second legislation is the Notification of the Department of Employment re: Prescription of Work which Are Necessary or Urgent or Ad-Hoc Work dated 20 June 2024 (“DOE Notification”) issued by the Department of Employment (“DOE”), which includes work relating to the organization of mega events, international festivals, etc., as a particular type of work which is necessary or urgent or ad-hoc work which can be performed by an expatriate with a simple notification to the DOE, without obtaining a traditional work permit.

In this relation, this article aims to provide a key summary of the BOI Notification and DOE Notification.

II. Key Summary of the relevant legislations

(i) BOI Notification

Through the BOI Notification, a business of organizing large concerts, sporting events, and international festivals is included as a promoted business in addition to the list of promoted businesses under the BOI Notification No. 9/2565 re: Measures to Promote Investment in Industries that are Important to the Country’s Development dated 8 December 2022. A business of organizing large concerts, sporting events, and international festivals is entitled to B-level incentives, which consist of the following benefits for 3 years from the date of issuance of the investment promotion certificate:

  • Tax incentives: Exemption of import duty on machinery; and
  • Non-tax incentives: Permission to hire foreigners, including non-skilled workers, skilled workers and experts from abroad to work in Thailand

To obtain a promotion for the abovementioned business from the BOI, the business operator is required to fulfill the conditions as follows:

  1. having a plan for operating and organizing a large concert, sporting event, and international festival with the scope of business approved by the BOI, however, this does not include the organization of conferences and product exhibitions as the main event;
  2. having a minimum investment capital as determined by the BOI of at least THB 100,000,000 per event, which serves as expenses relating to the management and administration of the large concert, sporting event, and international festival;
  3. proposing the event plan and attaching documents or agreements on the bidding or documents presenting the ownership of the right to organize the large concert, sporting event, and international festival within the scope of the promoted business to the BOI for its approval before enjoying the rights and incentives;
  4. not being allowed to extend the period for machinery import; and
  5. being allowed to use second-hand machinery from foreign countries.

Notably, this investment promotion is available to either Thai or foreign juristic persons.

(ii) DOE Notification

By virtue of Section 61, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Foreigners’ Working Management Emergency Decree B.E. 2560 (2017) and its amendment, the DOE had formerly issued the Notification of the Department of Employment re: Prescription of Work which Are Necessary or Urgent or Ad-Hoc Work dated 14 October 2020 (“DOE’s Former Notification”) to prescribe the list of work which are necessary or urgent or ad-hoc work (“Ad-Hoc Work”) which an expat can perform by simply notifying the DOE without obtaining a work permit. However, the DOE has recently issued the DOE Notification to repeal the DOE’s Former Notification and has also added the following as one type of Ad-Hoc Work:

“(13) Work which is supported by the government authority, as follows:

  1. organization of mega event or organization of international festival
  2. international musical festival or concert”.

In this connection, it should be noted that the newly added Ad-Hoc Work must be supported by the government authority, such as having obtained a subsidy or having received assistance from the government authority in organizing the event. Also, the duration of such work, from the commencement until its completion, must be within 15 days, however, such duration may be extendable once for another 15 days.

Notably, the scheme under the DOE Notification is applicable to expats who will enter Thailand to perform the prescribed Ad-Hoc Work regardless of whether the BOI promotion is obtained.

(iii) Conclusion

For conducting a business of organizing the organization of a world-class event in Thailand, the eligible investor should be mindful of the available BOI promotion and may consider applying for it so as to be entitled to the tax and non-tax benefits as described above. In addition, the scheme which allows an expat to perform work relating to the organization of mega events or organization of international festivals and international musical festivals or concerts in Thailand with a simple notification could facilitate and reduce some obstacles relating to the relevant personnel, particularly where the relevant foreign staff needs to enter Thailand for the purpose of organizing such event and/or festival.

This newsletter is given as general information for reference purposes only and therefore does not constitute our firm’s legal advice. Any opinion stated in this newsletter is a personal view of the author(s) and not our firm’s official view. For any specific matter or legal issue, please do not rely on this newsletter but make sure to consult a legal adviser. We would be delighted to answer your questions, if any.

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